Thursday, March 18, 2010


This poem was inspired by someone that I really like but I feel that there is so much more about him that I don't know and it drives me crazy...I call this one Secrets

The mystery that surrounds him keeps me intrigued
His secrets are locked away deep inside
I know there is so much that he wants to say
but he'd rather keep it to himself than tell lies

I want to find out more about this man
what his passions are and what makes him come to life
His pain is etched into his eyes when he finally speaks
I wish he would talk about the struggles and the strife

I would like for him to tell me his dreams and aspirations
and know that anything shared between us is confidential
For us to grow together and become closer
these things are not just wanted they are essential

Patience is a virtue that I wish I possess
but I will have to find some type of endurance when dealing with this situation
I feel comfortable enough around him to tell him my soul
but when its his turn to talk he remains in deep contemplation

I am not sure where this relationship will lead
but I know he will have to be ready to unlock his heart and throw away the key
Someone has to find it sooner or later
and I hope that person is me

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Awake and aware!

It's 6:40am and I am wide awake! Anyone that knows me knows that I am definitely not a morning person but for some reason I am up and in a good mood! I went to sleep early yesterday because I was in a bad mood. Things weren't going my way and it seemed like I was on the defensive all day and I hate feeling that I have to explain myself and my actions. I was irritated and moody so I decided to go to bed early and I woke up an hour ago feeling great!!! I have had time to think about things and I've realized that all of my life I have been a people pleaser. I was never the person that had beef with others b/c I was seen as a sweetheart. I accepted that but when people, men in particular, felt that they could say or do anything and get away with it I decided that I needed to change. First it started with me being honest with myself and others. Then it escalated into doing what I wanted to do instead of worrying about what others think now its to the point where I can't doubt myself or my actions after all is said and done. Not everyone will agree with you and your decisions but as long as you follow your heart then there is no point in having any regrets. Everything happens for a reason and all of the choices I've made have brought me this far and I refuse to turn back...I guess a good night's sleep does a body(and mind)right!

Advice hour!

If ya missed it here ya go! Tune in tonight at 9pm for this week's show "Tips and Techniques for great sex!"