Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Once upon a time
It was supposed to be us against the world
But you took the world's side and tarnished what we had
Tore it to pieces like the glass I smashed against the wall
When you told me that you and I are finished
Forever is a long time and you told me that's where our future lied
As soon as others came into our space
You let them shift our plans and change the situation
Now I only have two move out that is
You swept me off of my feet
Now I'm trying to pick up the little bit of pride I have left
Before you step and crush my hopes and dreams for my life
Just like you did for the life that we created together
My kids are my only source of sanity
I refuse to let you take that away from me as well
Keep only what you came with in the beginning
Even though we created them together they came from within me
You are the reason I don't believe in fairy tales
My prince has fallen short of my expectations
This chapter in the story of my life has ended
If I could take it back I would have stopped at once upon a time
Monday, July 6, 2009
Unhappily Ever After
I thought that if I loved you hard enough things would change
No matter what happened I would be your ride or die
And even though folks would talk about us I would still stay strong
Only in the privacy of my room I would cry
Even though my gut told me you were doing wrong
I wanted to believe it was my insecurties messing with my mind
At the beginning of our journey we were in this together
But somewhere along the way you left me behind
All of these months I've been trying to play catch up
Even though you kept me in the dark
I have tried to be the glue that kept us together
Even though other forces in the world wanted to see us apart
If love were enough we would be together for a lifetime
Because our feelings for each other run that deep
I worry so much about losing you
That there's been many nights I couldn't fall asleep
For once I need to stop following my heart
It runs on pure emotion which creates doubt
Because the heart doesn't think logically
I stay stressing trying to sort things out
I am obviously alone in this fight to make this work
But I am not sure how to let you go
I've sacrificed so much that I lost myself in you
You are the only thing I know
Waiting for you to change seems unrealistic
But I can't imagine losing what's become a broken dream
Our reality has become more like a nightmare
Where everything is worse than what it seems
Once upon a time we were perfect for each other
Our life was filled with joy and laughter
But that was then and this is now
And we're living unhappily ever after
Chocolate and Caramel
I wrote this awhile ago but one of my friends loved it so much so I decided to post it here to share with ya'll....lemme know what u think!
tell me if its as sweet as I think it sounds:-)
His dark brown complexion intertwining with her light brown tones blended into the sweetest most sensual experienced they have ever had. He is the world's greatest aphrodisiac smooth and delectable. Just one taste is never enough. He melts in your mouth even though he feels good in your hands because he makes your body tremble. He is better than Godiva, Nestle and Hershey all rolled into one because you can keep going back for more.Every piece of him wants to be licked and sucked and unlike the store brand he is priceless
Her syrupy sweetness has all of the men going crazy. They drop to their knees to taste her treasure. Even though it gets sticky at times the taste is worth it. You get lost drowning in her sugar.And if you give her what she wants she will give you what you crave and all it takes is just one tongue one time. You can make it at home but it won't be the same because her pleasure becomes your own. When she is pleased you know the favor will be returned all while the syrupy sweetness lingers on your tongue.
They taste great apart but putting them together is the ultimate bliss.Between all of the passion from their potion it will make the strongest person surrender. Seduction, allure intrigue and desire all wrapped into one package. He's made for her and she's made for him. The perfect mix of chocolate and caramel
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Temptation freestyle
I've been checkin for this dude for a while now
I love his swagger his smile his style...How?
how does he walk into a room and just take center stage...he isn't even
performing and everyone is sexy and so fly the definition
of real...always speaks his mind and says just what he feels...
he told me he wanted me and that he would have me soon enough...he'd do me how
i liked it whether it be gentle or rough...He'd have me speakin in
tongues and going into convulsions....have my juices overflowing like a
volcano eruption...I laughed but I knew since the first time we made
eye contact I would cross that line and there would be no goin goin back to my life full of the same shit...a life full of
boring predictable mundane shit...He was full of excitement like a
rollercoaster ride....and all I could think about was him being
inside....taking me on to that place called ecstacy with our bodies
intertwined...not thinkin about the past just living in this moment in
time....wanting him to take me to higher heights...not tryna go on
airplanes but he can be my 747 all night...have an outer body
experience feeling as though I've reached nirvana..we make our own
private movie but with no comedy or drama...a solely action packed
movie with the best sound effects.... just when u think its over a
sudden twist in the plot makes you unsure of what will happen
next....he is the star and I'm his leading lady...we're shooting the
climatic scene and anyone in the outside world must think we're
crazy....a tingling sensation comes over my body and I start to feel
light hit of me and u will be addicted I didn't believe
him when he said it...bed, floor, mirror, tub, balcony all of it
becomes blurry...I'm reaching he's reachin but there's no in this moment is what I have always desired....and even
though I've fantasized about him I could not believe what has
transpired....I'm nearing my peak and suddenly there's only one
sound....its coming from my high but I don't wanna come down.....he
soon follows me and he pulls me close...I definitely believe him now
when he says he's doin the most... now back to real life back to the
same old routine....his sex is a drug and I'm officially a
fiend.....its always great while it lasts but afterwards I go through
withdrawals...I love the anticipation and the climax but not the
emptiness after the I'm back on solid ground no longer able
to fly....he always takes me on an amazing journey whenever he stops ticket or passport needed but I had one hell of a
vacation....that man has got me sprung and I will always give into his
Behind his smile
and the lights fade out
he steps out of the spotlight and looks in the mirror
he acts nonchalant for the cameras but wonders if
or was this only meant for a season and not a lifetime
but nothing is ever what it seems
their fantasies blurred by a image he has created
The beginning!

I always wanted to do a gossip blog but there are so many out there and my fave but I wanted to be original so I decided to blog about what's interesting to me....I love music, poetry and entertainment in general so I plan to talk about that and my life. So many think they know me but trust there is so much more to me than meets the eye...Trey's blog ( title inspired me and I understand that people that don't know you can only judge what they see but this blog will let you deeper inside of my world....I only have one question....Are you ready???