Monday, December 7, 2009

One night

A conversation with my friend inspired me to write this poem...I was really disappointed when she told me about this guy b/c he seemed different from the rest but I was proven wrong! Hopefully I will find that diamond in the rough cause all I see now is a bunch of coal lmao

From the beginning I made no promises
This situation had no strings attached
I know you want to be my girl
but I'm not ready for all of that
Can we just live in the moment
Instead of worrying about what tomorrow may bring
I can just up and leave right now
and not feel a thing
Not worried about what you may think
because there is no us
I don't care about what you do after this
because there is no trust
Our time is right here right now
You are my temporary reliever of stress
That was the deal from the beginning
Never asking for no more or no less
I am about to leave before it gets tense
You are not important enough for us to continue to fight
Just know that the next time I come around
The only thing I owe you is one night

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