Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Pretty Brown Eyes

They took my breath away the moment I saw them...saw him
I didn't know exactly what to say but as soon as he smiled at me they twinkled
and as sappy as this may sound my heart skipped a beat
I don't believe in love at first sight because you can't love who you don't know
but there was this instant attraction
his aura was magnetic pulling me in with each second
I didn't want to fall in but I could see myself drowning in those brown pools
never to return to the mainland of my mundane existance
Every minute around him made me sink in deeper
Quicksand couldn't have pulled me in fast enough
I have no words so I hope he can interpret my body language
and decipher the signals that I am giving him
I want him to come closer to me physically so we can grow closer mentally
and most importantly I want to find out what lies behind the windows to his soul
but until he makes that first move I will be content in this moment our moment
dedicated to the gentleman who lured me in with those pretty brown eyes


  1.! Ok "pretty brown eyes" I love it. Favorite line: "i didn't want to fall in but I could not see myself drowning in those brown pools never to return to the mainland of my mundane existence"...dope line.

  2. That was awesome angie! I loved it, I just read it like 4 times :^)

  3. I like it :) It's very visually written and you can feel the words. Good job.

  4. great poem and that was a freestyle so just off the top of ur head then/ oh iight angielala u go girl :)
