Monday, July 6, 2009

Unhappily Ever After

A certain situation inspired me to write this poem....its very hard to let go and this poem shows just how much! with that being said here goes!

I thought that if I loved you hard enough things would change

No matter what happened I would be your ride or die
And even though folks would talk about us I would still stay strong
Only in the privacy of my room I would cry

Even though my gut told me you were doing wrong
I wanted to believe it was my insecurties messing with my mind
At the beginning of our journey we were in this together
But somewhere along the way you left me behind

All of these months I've been trying to play catch up
Even though you kept me in the dark
I have tried to be the glue that kept us together
Even though other forces in the world wanted to see us apart

If love were enough we would be together for a lifetime
Because our feelings for each other run that deep
I worry so much about losing you
That there's been many nights I couldn't fall asleep

For once I need to stop following my heart
It runs on pure emotion which creates doubt
Because the heart doesn't think logically
I stay stressing trying to sort things out

I am obviously alone in this fight to make this work
But I am not sure how to let you go
I've sacrificed so much that I lost myself in you
You are the only thing I know

Waiting for you to change seems unrealistic
But I can't imagine losing what's become a broken dream
Our reality has become more like a nightmare
Where everything is worse than what it seems

Once upon a time we were perfect for each other
Our life was filled with joy and laughter
But that was then and this is now
And we're living unhappily ever after


  1. Great poem. You know letting go can always be hard, but what we have to remember is people come into your life for seasons, and few come for a lifetime. It is our job to figure out the two. A lot of times we try to make someone be a "lifetime" fixture, when they were only meant to be there for a season, and when the time is up, you work hard to try to make it work, but it seems to only get worst, or someone is not putting any effort into it...time to let it go. The best thing about it is, when we LET GO, our healing can begin, and our testimony comes next. I love your writing. Check me

  2. i can def relate to this.
    honestly it is so hard to let go your gonna alwayz have someone come in to your life treat u like a queen then next thing u know the world comes tumbling down. im lookin forward to more of your poems that was deep.


  3. This is a wonderful poem! Letting go is very hard at time soemtimes harder for others. Healling takes time. But anywho wonderful poem Ang!!1

  4. your poems r so,deep and they come from the heart thats what makes them so, special!!!I LOVE ALL OF THEM!!!

  5. Ohhh shit... that shit really got to me... i love ur poems and i can really relate to this funny i just wrote a poem about letting go myself this weekend...

    Love DivaDiva.

  6. I am so feeling this poem cause u touch on a personal issue close to me. Love it angie!

  7. Oh Ange this was so nice! I really feel you on this like forreal forreal. I am kinda going through this now.

    I am going to follow you. Follow my blogs to here : &

    Peace & Blessings Girl!

  8. i really like this! im a new follower :)
    check my blog out @

  9. aww man i loved it it was something i went through i feel it i feel it

  10. I LOOOVE IT, I was looking for a longer poem cuz i was feeling it and it was relavent to what was going w/me but its all good. Do a part2 ASAP cuz i need this poem to be longer lol

  11. Great poem! It is so relatable. I've definitely been there before & that is exactly what I felt.
